Our Mission
Our Vision

and adolescents. 90% are low-income, and 88% identify as an ethnic minority, with 75% of
patients being Latino, 3% African American, and 4% Pacific Islanders. About 63% are enrolled in public health coverage programs, and 27% are uninsured. (2021)
Strategic Plan
Value and Impact
Board of Directors
Ravenswood Family Health Network is governed by a dedicated 10-member Board of Directors (including one Board Liaison). The Board of Directors exercises policy oversight and provides direction for our organization. Our board members also sit on our Board Development, Quality, Finance, Audit, Personnel, Advocacy, Compliance, and Strategic Planning committees.
As a federally funded community health center, the majority of our Board members are from the community and/or are registered patients of the clinic.
The operation of a community health center is challenging given the constant changes and increasing complexity of healthcare. All of our Board members receive training from the National Association of Community Health Center’s Board Member Boot Camp, from which they learn the legal, administrative, financial, and clinical aspects of governing a health center.
Interested in joining our Board? Click here to learn more!
Public Notice
Ravenswood Family Health Network’s Board of Directors meets monthly on the third Tuesday at 6:30pm virtually on zoom.